Ken Allred had been introduced to the heating and air conditioning service industry back in 1982 by his grandfather, a licensed HVAC mechanic. Through working with his grandfather, Ken learned the value of customer relationships and providing quality and value.
Ken received his electrical engineering degree after transitioning out of the US Air Force and worked in the defense industry using his experience in military engineering applications and quality processes.
Seeing an opportunity in the HVAC industry, Ken advanced his training in the scientific and engineering aspects of the business. He studied structural analysis, heat load engineering, logistics, and duct design at Alabama Power. He continues to pursue education in new HVAC technologies such as performance testing, performance adjustments, and intelligent controls to maximize HVAC efficiency.
Lisa Allred is a retired civil servant with over 25 years of experience in logistics and quality management of the USDA Rural Development Agency, an organization that provides economic development assistance to rural communities and their citizens.